Nicholas Monsour is an artist and film editor born and raised in Los Angeles.







Unaware of the light you are absorbing, energy is stored in your immortal coils, making lakes and oceans boil. 

Arteries atomize under the avalanche, cartilage and bone destroyed in the snow, becoming jewels to guild your albedo. 

In frozen fluids and ancient ruins you’re sorting out your life; the carbon rubs off and irritates your eyes. 

Unaware of the heat I am reflecting, covering your tracks with clouds and vapor trails are following your sails.

I don’t know how to breathe without your influence. 

I was once an eglantine — all alone, floating on the sea foam, following your advice. 

I’ll get a passport and a consort and travel to the north. 

The white enamel of arctic mammals’ teeth will keep us warm.